De Rustica Wins More Awards

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De Rustica Estates wins prestige awards! 

2018 is a year in which South African olive oil producers truly showed their mettle. In adverse drought conditions, which can easily lead to stringency in oils, the judges on this year’s SA Olive Awards and ABSA Top Ten tasting panels described the competing oils as having ‘a wonderful array of aromas and flavours’. This speaks of the industry’s ability to adapt and innovate under challenging conditions.

De Rustica won several National as well as International awards this year :

Gold – New York International Olive Oil Competition
Gold – Sol D’Oro Southern Hemisphere
Gold – SA Olive Awards
Special Prize: Giulio Bertrand – Sol D’Oro Southern Hemisphere
2x Silver – Sol D’Oro Southern Hemisphere
3x Silver – SA Olive Awards
1x Bronze – SA Olive Awards

Being one of the leading Olive Oil Estates in South Africa, it was only natural that De Rustica Estate ventured into Single Cultivar Olive Oils. Now these delicious award winning olive oil is available to purchase.  

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Our Coratina’s aroma is definite and ample, rich in fragrant green hints of mint and rosemary, with a definite note of artichoke and chicory.

Our Coratina’s aroma is definite and ample, rich in fragrant green hints of mint and rosemary, with a definite note of artichoke and chicory.

Awards: Bronze, SA Olive | Gold, NYIOOC | Gold, Sol D’oro

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Beautiful medium fruity, with herbaceous notes of unripe tomato and green banana. Fresh and clean taste, it opens with a slightly sweet sensation followed by a pleasantly bitter and spicy charge.

Awards: ABSA Top Ten | Gold, SA Olive | Silver, Sol D’oro

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Intense fruity, rich in hints of herbaceous notes of artichoke and green almond, our Frantoio opens with a sweet sensation followed by both distinct bitterness and pungency.

Awards: Silver, SA Olive  |  Silver, Sol D’oro

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Join us for an all-inclusive exploration of our award winning olive estate beneath the majestic Swartberg Mountains. Discover its fine subtleties in a tasting experience of the senses. Start your Olive Oil journey from the routes of its production all the way to the bottle and your tasting buds in a peaceful setting with a view worth Instagramming! #DeRusticaEstate

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This is the most beautiful time of year, flowering has started and looks great.
Olive trees produce fruiting shoots called inflorescence, which originate at the axil of a leaf. Each inflorescence will naturally hold few or  lots of flowers depending on the cultivar. Within two weeks of full bloom, only 1-2% of them develop into fruit.

Did you know that olive pollination occurs by either self-pollination or by cross-pollination, depending upon the variety of the tree? Though not necessary for pollination, bees may aid in pollination.

South African Extra Virgin Olive Oil competes with the best EVOOs in the world and consumers are beginning to appreciate this.
Discover more about this “food from the gods” grown and nurtured in the good earth of the Western Cape. Learn how to buy, taste and store it and about the amazing benefits and delicious rewards of making EVOO part of your daily diet.

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